
作者:路易斯.卡洛爾(Lewis Carroll)


作為一本小說,愛麗絲夢遊仙境或愛麗絲鏡中奇遇並沒有所謂的情節(根據E. M. Forster,情節是由具有因果關係的事件構成),而是單純由事件所串連而成的故事。當中事件或場景的轉換往往不見得有所關聯,甚至可能是突兀的變化。這或許是一種針對夢境的模擬,在夢中場景或地點的變化時常是突然而無序的。在那當時或許十分自然,往往要等到醒來才能察覺其中怪異。
As novels, these two stories of Alice have no plot but only thread of events. (According to E. M. Forster, plots are events with causality.) Events or scenes are often unrelated to each other, sometimes even changed abruptly. This arrangment may be an analog for a dream, where scenes often change abruptly and disorderly. Those changes seem quite natural for a dreaming person, but become weird after awake from sleep.
Children or any other naive reader may find these unpredictable surprise simply lots of fun. Yet now we here have to become the Duchess in the looking-glass, who tried to give everything a moral.
Under the cover of nonsense, there are many riddles, puns, games, and probably personal allusions of Carroll and the Liddle Girls. Some may be tempt to amuse the young Liddles, such as the dry speech made by Mouse. Some could be Carroll’s personal interest, like the sentence “Jam tomorrow and jam yesterday, but never jam today.” I recently found that it is actually a joke about Latin.
However, it is strange that such a cheerful book seems to have some sort of sadness hidden inside. At opening poems there are wither’d wreath and gone happy summer days. At the end of Alice’s adventures in Wonderland, there is again the yearning of the happy summer days. Humpty Dumpty recommended Alice to stop at the age of seven and do not grow up anymore. And still also, there is the White Knight singing scene. It is said that Carroll loved Alice Liddle, who is twenty years younger than him, and this love was banned by her mother. This might be able to explain the sadness in the books. But the sadness might also be interpreted as the laments made by an adult who yearning for his own childhood days and looking enviously at those carefree children.




  • student1 → Copied from http://urochordate.com/reading/books/post_390.html
  • student2 → Overall, very good. There are some strange bits of grammar thrown in: have no plot but only [a] thread of events; where scenes often change abruptly and [are] disorderly; At[In the] opening poems there are.
  • student3 → I’m going to guess English is not your native language, and I really wanted to give you a higher grade but some of your sentences just did not make sense to me, e.g. second paragraph, second sentence. Also you spelled Liddell incorrectly, something that you could easily have verified even if the spellchecker said it is wrong. There were also some issues with punctuation/capitalization.
  • student4 → The only grammatical mistake I noticed was not the start the first sentence, or any sentence, with “As”. Th text otherwise is good and well structured with proper paragraphing.
  • student5 → The word ‘arrangement’ was misspelled in the essay. There were a small handful of weirdly worded statements. Arguments were set, but not always backed up. A change of wording in several places could have made it flow better.


  • student1 → Copied from http://urochordate.com/reading/books/post_390.html
  • student2 → All of what you write is interesting, however, none of it goes together to support your argument.
  • student3 → Your first paragraph had a valid idea about the thread of events – you do realize that it is actually a dream I hope. But it is your conclusion that about the sadness of growing up that really shows insight into the stories.
  • student4 → I understood all the points you were trying to make a they are well argued. I can’t really think of any thing to improve in such a small piece of writing.
  • student5 → This essay covered an interesting subject matter. It did not flow together and I had to stop several times to re-read sentences to get what they were trying to say. The main issues were the layout and not enough arguments with facts to back them up.


  • student1 → Plagiarism. This is not what you should be doing here. I wish I could score it as “0”.
  • student2 → Your essay would have excelled if you had supported the fact that Alice does not have a plot, only a thread of events.
  • student5


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